2010.04.14 出國申請

My name is Yu-Ting Yang. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate and my advisor is Prof. Ching-Chang Wong. My researches are focused on the topics of autonomous robot, emotion simulation, machine learning, and SOPC design. I jointed many projects of robot design, such as humanoid robots in Fig. 1, home service robots in Fig. 2, and pet robot in Fig. 3. The teams of my laboratory often participate local competitions and international competitions (such as RoboCup and FIRA Cup). We got many rewards, especially the champion of HuroCup of FIRA in 2007 and 2009. I was the team leader of humanoid team in 2007. From 2008, I am the team leader of home robot team and ten undergraduate students are prepared to complete the jobs of RoboCup@Home competition. We will attend RoboCup 2010 in Singapore.