

My name is Hau Feng from Hsinchu City and I’m a student from the Department of English Language and Culture. Currently, I’m focusing on literature, translation, and other segments of culture learning courses. I’m very interested in learning a new culture and language, different etiquette always appeals to me as it shows the opposing knowledge from what I’ve learned throughout my life. Besides enjoying listening to music, swimming, writing and reading; I also really enjoy traveling. Travel seems to be a regular activity for me every summer, as my parents allowed me to travel to a foreign country annually in which my parents encouraged me to discover and understand how big the world is. My main goals were very simple. Besides sight-seeing, I’d also endorse myself in the culture and cuisine where we can appreciate through daily activities such as taking public transport and going to a popular local restaurant for example. During my years in senior high school, I was a very busy student. Not just in the curriculum but also in other school activities, especially the ones that involved English due to the fact I served as a school ambassador from freshman until I graduated, was considered the longest in the position ever since this position appeared. In the three years of my high school career, I’ve attended a great variety of activities, ranging all the way from guest receptions to summits in the United States and Canada. Although attending all the activities and keeping curriculum stable at once seems like hard labor, the results turn out to become knowledge and experiences in life that guided me to become who I am today. Although I have traveled to many places, I have never had long-term experience in the field. I hope to break through this limitation and cultivate new knowledge and dig a little deeper into myself to discover the things that are yet to be touched.

我的名字是馮灝,來自新竹,為淡江大學英語語言與文化學系的學生。目前,我專注於文學,翻譯和其他文化學習課程。 我對學習一種新的文化和語言非常感興趣,不同的禮節總是吸引我,因為在學校所吸收到的知識與現實中常常會有許多反差。除了享受聽音樂,游泳,寫作和閱讀之外;我也非常喜歡旅行。每年暑假,父母每年都允許我去國外旅行去見見世面,看看世界的寬大。慢慢的,這就似乎成位一項定期的活動。 我旅行的主要目標很簡單,除了欣賞景觀外,我會將自己融入於異國文化和美食中;通常,我都以日常活動例如乘坐公共交通工具和去一家在當地受歡迎的餐館用餐來達成我的目標 。 在高中的那幾年,我是一位非常忙路的學生。不僅在課程上,而且在其他學校活動中也是。因為我高一新生到畢業以來我一直擔任著親善大使一職(被認為是自從這個職位出現以來任職最長的),因此經常涉及與英語相關的活動。在我高中生涯的三年中,我參加了各式各樣的活動,從招待外賓到赴美、加參加高峰會。一路走來,儘管參加所有活動並同時保持課程上的穩定似乎是艱苦的工作,但結果卻成了獲取人生道理、知識和經驗的來源,造就出我的今天。 讀萬卷書,行萬里路。雖然已去過許多地方,但未曾有長時間的在地生活經驗。我希望突破這一局限,培養新知識,對自己進行更深的挖掘,發現尚未觸及的事物和興趣。