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史同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 107 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌

107 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
課程(社團)名稱 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
學年期 107 / 2
班級 國際企業學系國際商學全英語組(日)
服務日期 2019/05/11
服務時數 12.30
服務機構 Sunshine Social Welfare Fundation
服務地點 Ximenting exit 1
被服務人數 6

服務機構:Sunshine Social Welfare Fundation
服務地點:Ximenting exit 1
We were promoting a charity organization in a sensibilization campaign regarding discrimination of every type, our goal was to get as many people we could to join our Fb page in order to spread to voice. It was a challenging experience but we all did a good job and we are happy to have helped.
It will be nice if all the charity can cooperate organizing pacific manifestation around the focal points of the city, getting the attention of the people, it will definitely help to promote and make the people understand faster how bad is to judge and to keep their mind close in the 21th century.

更新日期:2019/5/14 下午 12:37:25