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郭同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 107 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌

107 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
課程(社團)名稱 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
學年期 107 / 2
班級 國際企業學系國際商學全英語組(日)
服務日期 5/11/2019
服務時數 10.00-12.00
服務機構 Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation
服務地點 Ximenting (Exit 1)
被服務人數 6

服務機構:Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation
服務地點:Ximenting (Exit 1)
As a videographer, photographer, and communication engager during this event, I had the chance to capture the faces of the people who seems to be interested in the face equality matter. From the presentations of my fellow friends, I have learned that face equality is still a problem in the status quo, and not many are willing to change their biases toward this matter.
How pleasant would it be to change the location to somewhere else more crowded. With more audiences, our messages can be spread easily too. Our group had a very inefficient effort due to the lack of people coming to our area. Those who came to our area are mostly tourists with a not-so-good sense of direction. They looked very rushed and lost at the same time, which made it hard for us to approach.

更新日期:2019/5/14 上午 09:47:28