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裴同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 112 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌

112 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
課程(社團)名稱 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
學年期 112 / 2
班級 國際觀光管理學系全英語學士班(日)
服務日期 2024.03.09
服務時數 4
服務機構 TKU’s Agro- Food education Program
服務地點 Sanzhi District
被服務人數 1

服務機構:TKU’s Agro- Food education Program
服務地點:Sanzhi District
I had chance to go to Sanzhi district to have my campus service learning there. That was a wonderful day, I learned how to harvest the radish and also some information about plain radish, take care them. The feild trip is hold by TKU’s USR Agro-Food Education Program collaborates with the Sanzhi District Youth Regeneration Gourp Warehouse No.2. That day was also opening day for Sanzhi District cherry blossom festival. Therefore, I and my classmate had chance to attend the festival to get to know more about the annually festival of local people. There is a game for people to get vouchers to buy food. I did play the game and get 50 NTD. The service is really help me and others students to connect with local people, agriculture of Taiwan and some traditional cutural of Taiwan, rural area. Especially, I am a foreigner, so it is really a new experiences that i may nerver had in my life without the campus learning service course. I also make new friends, meet new people, have converation with local Taiwanese people, understand the important of agriculture and countryside area. I have a better idea about sustainability.
In essence, my journey to the Sanzhi district epitomized the transformative power of service learning, igniting a passion for community engagement and a profound appreciation for the rich tapestry of Taiwanese culture.

更新日期:2024/3/13 下午 10:58:07