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周同學 報告/作業 分享經驗 2015/01/06 Virtual Touring System for Lanyang Campus

2015/01/06 Virtual Touring System for Lanyang Campus
名稱 Virtual Touring System for Lanyang Campus
描述 Senior Final Project
日期 2015/01/06
課程名稱 大四专题实做
指導教師 洪复一

In Internet Era, we can get more resources from the internet today. With the development of the technologies, we get plenty of new inventions in these decades. For example, we can use 3D printing, we can find our files on ‘cloud’, and even we can solve our financial problems over the Internet.
We keep creating new things continuously because we want to enrich our lives. We humans don’t like constant things; we need to change to create better lives. Thus, we decide to start changing the world. In 2014, traditional 2D website becomes too boring for people to view when they want to know somewhere. However, we design a voice-controlled virtual 3D touring system for Tamkang University Lanyang Campus.
In this project, we integrated Virtual Reality and Voice control system to make the touring system more interactive. Users can view the campus by using voice control. Also, users can conveniently find the destination using our teleportation function. Our system can save lots of time for our customers.

更新日期:2015/1/8 上午 11:04:02