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李同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 107 / 1 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌

107 / 1 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
課程(社團)名稱 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
學年期 107 / 1
班級 資訊工程學系(日)
服務日期 2018/10/06
服務時數 2 hours
服務機構 danshuiqugongsuo
服務地點 laojie
被服務人數 100

資料成果呈現方式:書面資料 照片
In 6 october 2018, i had to do my job for standing in street with flag on laojie. This event is very special because only once a year. My job was support the event to make the event goes well and success and also help answer some people in the street who ask me a question. What i learned from this services is to help each other so it can makes things well, and this event was very important because the event have many children and old people who makes this event so great.
i think this event was a great experience to do, because this event was very great and meaningful. When i was standing at the street and watched the show, i saw many people from children to old people who watch this show was always smile. And the event who participated no only old people but also kids from kindergarten. i also blessed can also support and help this event goes well because i join this community service from school, if not i can not saw this amazing event that only once a year.

更新日期:2018/10/15 下午 01:26:47