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王同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 104 / 1 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單

104 / 1 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單
課程(社團)名稱 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單
學年期 104 / 1
班級 外交與國關

1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼?
It was most unforgettable seeing how much damage even the most trivial object can do to our environment.

2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務?
As a class it helps us understand what is actually happening all around us, that any small actions we enact may have larger consequences to follow. As an individual I am most willing to donate more of my time to organizations that keep the community clean and wildlife safe.

3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話?
As Robert Swan put it "The greatest threat to our planet is that someone else will save it". I use this quote because we all know what is morally and ethically right and wrong, we've been told the same things since we were young, learned about it in school, talked about it at home, etc. And yet the problem persists, we all think one bottle won't make a difference or just another cigarette butt can't change much, but all it takes is one, the tipping point for an entire ecosystem to collapse.

4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼?
I think the most difficult part of the process isn't with the physical act of cleaning. Its trying to change the mentality of the people, to convince them that enough is enough, that littering however little is contributing to the genocide(s) of wildlife species of all shapes and sizes from all walks of life, destroying the environment in which we humans depend on to survive, that the human race that will depend on in the future.

5 在這個社區服務中,你對自己有什麼新的認識?
While in high school, I donated a couple hours every week to help out a club similar to this class, we would clean the local parks to ensure that people had a clean place to go everyday, to hang out with friends or spend time with family. Understandably a small operation with only a handful of members and resources, but after the lecture given in class I can only fathom what challenges we will face because of such large scale ignorance to the problem, but also the innovation that people have began to develop and to create to help combat this issue.

6 在這次社區服務中,你覺得我們有沒有什麼可以更努力的地方?
As well as it has done, I would like to see an experiment perhaps, involving not only freshman classes but the whole student body, involved in various activities not only around Dan Shui but around Taiwan and around the world, to not only help clean up in Taiwan, but to get to see first hand of the challenges faced in other continents, so we would have a better grasp of the problem at hand and work together to think of a better solution.

更新日期:2015/10/5 下午 12:18:53