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譚同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 108 / 2 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單

108 / 2 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單
課程(社團)名稱 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單
學年期 108 / 2
班級 大傳1

1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼?
The most unforgettable thing from this class was Taiwanese sun, that is so harsh, even in the morning. Another impression I had is the last time we went to clean the beach. Our group found a huge peace of fabric that looked like a tent barried under the sand. We spent most of our time trying to get it out. Because it was full of sand, it was extremely heavy and not easy to deal with. Even our teacher said that we should leave it there but I'm happy that in the end we managed to get the biggest piece out!

2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務?
I was happy to hear that we're going to clean the public beach. To be honest, the first semester I found useless, since our campus is already clean, we would spend 1.5 hour under the sun to pick up a few leaves. But this semester, I believe, we were doing great work to help our environment! Taiwan is such a small island with beautiful nature, it's a pity to see garbage around the beach or in the mountains, but I believe this semester's work wasn't a waste and it inspired me as well as many of my classmates to be more conscious of the environment we live in. I would love to do more voluntary work in the future, but even if I don't have time, every day I try my best to be a better Earth citizen and not bring so much waste into the world.

3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話?
Save the turtles. In instruction video we watched how greatly damaging the rubbish can be to the sea world. I found it fascinating that Tamsui had so many turtles and wished to see one one day. Every two weeks, waking up that early and getting to the beach with no trees to hide from the sun was hard, but I would think of turtles every time in the morning and it motivated me to actively look for rubbish.

4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼?
As I mentioned previously, Taiwan is very hot and the sun is shining brightly even at 8:00 in the morning. Because we were cleaning the beach, there were no trees around to hide from the sun and the sand was getting all over clothes and body. The challenge was not only to persuade yourself to go to the beach but also, coming back to school and going to next classes, without taking a shower at home.

5 在這個社區服務中,你對自己有什麼新的認識?
I previously had an interest in protecting the environment, but this experience made me want to do more for the future of our Earth. There's not a huge difference in how I approach my life, or any identity changes, but i can say that I enjoyed the experience and thankful for it.

6 在這次社區服務中,你覺得我們有沒有什麼可以更努力的地方?
Most of the weeks we went to the beach, which was already pretty clean, but had a lot of garbage on the way to it. I don't quite understand how our teacher decided to assign us to clean the clean parts of the beach and ignore the way to there. But the last beach we went to had much more garbage and I felt like that day was much more fulfilling. I wish classes like these were not just for "pass" in the school transcript, but we could actually be helpful! Hopefully all students can agree with me!

更新日期:2020/5/26 下午 02:38:17