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林同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 104 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌

104 / 2 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
課程(社團)名稱 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
學年期 104 / 2
班級 國際企業學系(日)
服務日期 30 March 2016
服務時數 2 hours
服務機構 TKU
服務地點 克難坡
被服務人數 0

服務日期:30 March 2016
資料成果呈現方式:書面資料 照片
The service is about us cleaning the long stairways inside the school of Tamkang University. The students were divided into group and each group was assigned to clean one part of the long stairs. I feel that it is fair enough as the alternate week the other group would change position cleaning the stairs. So they would have the feeling of cleaning at the top of the stairs or at the bottom of the stairs.
I feel that this activity is very beneficial as the students would understand how hard is it to actually cleaning our environment. Thus instead of cleaning it we should not litter and prevent them from getting dirty and messy. I feel that this activity should be passed to our next junior in the next academic year so that they would not litter and would understand that they should help the environment.

更新日期:2016/4/27 下午 02:35:47