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葉同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 107 / 1 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單

107 / 1 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單
課程(社團)名稱 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單
學年期 107 / 1
班級 資工1A

1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼?
The most impressive thing in this community service is the teamwork, hardwork and dedication that was shown by everyone while carrying out their task to make this event a success. Everyone's creativity and intuition is amazing as they will do something other then the instructions given in order to succeed the event.The idea of the parade is wonderful and the people who lead this activity is just good as he instructed everyone to do what each of us must do and the proportion of volunteers to the task that were assigned were perfect, no lacking in person or extra person that is bored or have no work.

2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務?
In participating in community services, i feel like i will learn and experience many things from responsibility, dedication, teamwork, making new friends and getting to know more about them as well as enjoying the result when that event turn out to be a success and getting that satisfied feeling after doing a good job.Yes, i am willing to participate in more volunteer services as although its burdening and tiring, its certainly a well worth-it experience and also a give back activity and through volunteer services, i get to see that giving back is actually not that bad.

3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話?
It was an enjoyable experience, a good lesson and a well worth-it service. This sentence is the perfect way of describing my experience during that day as while i'm doing community service, i also get to know more about my surroundings and the history behind all of them. I was never really interested in art and all of the things related to it but through this event, i become more interested in art and get to appreciate art more than i used to.

4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼?
I think the most challenging part of the community service is teamwork and organizing the people out there as my job is to keep the people off the street so the ones participating in the parade can walk, dance and do whatever they want freely on the space given that is all of the street. The people were supposed to only stand on the sidewalk and they are obviously not allowed on the street since it could obstruct with the flow of the activity as well as endanger themselves. During the parade was going on, children run around the street as they're really eager to watch all the colorful costumes ornaments but there are a few adults that were standing on the street for nice pictures and although its a difficult task to get them off the street, i managed to do it.

5 在這個社區服務中,你對自己有什麼新的認識?
The new knowledge that i got from this activity is quite a lot and it was certainly useful for a one day activity. I get to know more about art as i never had a thing for art but i certainly had my eyes open and appreciate art more than i used to. I also learn more about social values and relation between one another. The fact that working on something brings people together through teamwork is just pleasant as well as delightful.

6 在這次社區服務中,你覺得我們有沒有什麼可以更努力的地方?
I think that everything in this activity was done nicely and in an orderly fashion as the activity was a success and was appreciated by everyone, including the volunteers and staffs.The leader, props, equipment and everything was perfect but if there;s one thing that is lacking, its the person managing the audio. I was standing and getting everyone off the street when a staff of a nearby food stall ask me about the speaker that is right in front of the food stall as the speaker was blaring really loud music ans it was certainly disturbing and noisy. That's it for the lacking but besides that, everything was flawless.

更新日期:2018/10/15 下午 02:01:50