
Card image cap

陳同學 報告/作業 分享經驗 10/15 10/8 OS作業

10/15 10/8 OS作業
名稱 10/8 OS作業
日期 10/15
課程名稱 作業系統
指導教師 劉艾華

(1)Cache usually have many repeat use data.
(2)Cache effective solve high speed hardware connect low speed hardware caused waiting.

Cache can reduce CPU looking data time from main memory.Because main memory speed slow than CPU.

Cache data must be keep.If original data be changed that cache must be updated.

Because the faster memory price more higher.If cache as large as a disk that price will be expensive.

Interrupts is a signal from hardware or software to warn the occurence of an event.

A trap is a software-generated interrupt caused either by an error or a user request.

No,because trap is software errors that can't be predicted.

CPU and device controller both can sequence programs,but CPU can calculate on the contrary device controller not.

Interrupts happen>>Controller transfer to another process>>This process be completed>>Controller transfer to original process keep working.

更新日期:2015/10/15 上午 03:40:06