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鄧同學 論文發表 分享經驗 3D虛擬實境遊樂園

發表日期 2019年1月2日 星期三
論文名稱 3D虛擬實境遊樂園

時代不斷的進步,科技日新月異,科技對社會的影響不容忽視,就連現今全球的經濟都離不開技術發展的成果,使得今天的人們深深受到科技的影響,也使得許人們十分依賴科技產品如手機、電腦、平板電腦等等,人們也因此大幅減少出門與他人互動的機會。虛擬實境是利用電腦類比產生一個三維空間的虛擬世界,讓使用者感覺彷彿身歷其境。而遊樂園是許多人童年最熟悉的場所,也是許多人記憶最深的地方,因此我們將科技與遊樂園做結合,讓使用者在家裡也能體會到遊樂園遊玩的快樂與真實,也能減少因為遊樂園設施而導致的危險,不論颳風下雨,所有天氣的陰晴不定都能被解決。本專題是以開發HTC Vive平台上的VR遊戲為主,Unity為主要開發遊戲的工具,並且利用3Ds Max建立場景及特效。生動有趣的遊樂園中以第一人稱視角來控制角色,經由控制角色的方式玩遊戲讓玩家有自我參與的感覺

With the generation constantly improving, science and technology are progressing these days, the impact of technology to the world cannot be ignored. For example, today's global economy cannot do without the technological development; making today's people deeply influenced by technology and making people rely heavily on technology. Products such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc., have greatly reduced the chances of people going out to interact with others. Virtual reality is the use of computer analogy to create a virtual world of three-dimensional space, so that users feel as if they are immersed. The amusement park is the most familiar place for many people in childhood, and it is also the place where many people remember the most. Therefore, we combine technology with amusement parks, so that users can experience the joy and reality of amusement parks at home, and also reduce the dangers caused by amusement park facilities. Moreover, all weather conditions can be considered. This topic is based on the development of VR games on the HTC Vive platform. Unity is the main tool for developing games, and we use 3Ds max to create scenes and effects. In the vividly and interesting amusement park, the character is controlled by the first-person perspective, and the game is played by controlling the character to let the player feel self-engaged.

更新日期:2019/1/11 下午 04:51:25