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盧同學 研習紀錄 分享經驗 04/02 「閱讀達人」閱讀競賽-外國文學主題 學生學習發展組

04/02 「閱讀達人」閱讀競賽-外國文學主題 學生學習發展組
主辦單位 學生學習發展組
名稱 「閱讀達人」閱讀競賽-外國文學主題
主題 書名:動物農莊
時間 04/02
時數 1

作者:喬治.歐威爾(George Orwell)
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than the others.
What a constantly quoted phrase!
This book is a fable drafted by George Orwell.The main story is about a variety of animals bred in a farm. The revolted and expelled the original owner. Initially they built a place akin to Utopia. With the passage of time, boars took place of human. They started to add new rules covertly without notification to the other animals. The farm animals ended up in a condition worse than before. This is really a inspiring book that makes people ponder what the
equality" is. We should never forget that the road to slavery is paved with good intentions.

更新日期:2015/3/17 下午 11:49:57