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董同學 報告/作業 分享經驗 2018/1/10 學習社群心得

2018/1/10 學習社群心得
名稱 學習社群心得
描述 一零六學年上
日期 2018/1/10
課程名稱 畢業專題一
指導教師 謝顥音老師

In Taiwan, the situation of “foreign workers”, especially those who came from the southern or southern east of Asia, has long been ignored, many people aren’t interested in the way they are being treated or even care about them; In fact, majority of Taiwanese even hold a stereotype or prejudice against them. I'm ashamed to say that I was one of them, I used to think that foreign workers are aggressive and uncivilized because of the way they are often broadcasted on the news showing that they were in conflict with their employers or they were arrested because of burglary or assaulting others, little did I know that the news may be biased or the foreign workers are being mistreated and have suppress their anger until they are no longer able to control their fury. Therefore, it is fortunate that I was able to participate in this senior project, which I was able to have a chance to know the situation of the foreign workers.
For our senior project, we chose Yilan Migrant Fishermen Union(YMFU), which is the first and only fisherman labor organization for foreign workers in Taiwan. The main goal of the YMFU is to enable foreign workers to have a better life in Taiwan, even as basic as to help them get their basic human rights, because foreign workers have been exploited by the employers, and this is commonly seen in many countries not just Taiwan. The organization tries to make foreign workers’ lives better by organizing labor education, assisting members to get employment and handle labor disputes between the employee and the employer. And our main job is to provide our assistance in aiding the YMFU in whatever way possible, such as holding events and raising awareness of the inequalities of the foreign fishermen by posting their stories on social media. The event that I have the deepest impression is the Christmas event, in which we organized a party with games and exchanging gifts. It has also changed my perspective on the way I viewed the foreign workers, their friendliness has totally erased my image of “an angry and uncivil person,” and made me felt deeply ashamed of myself for holding a prejudice against them. In addition, it has also encouraged me to want to help them, no matter how little of the help it may seem.
Even though I have always known that foreign workers are mistreated or they face many inequalities, since that is the way capitalism works, but the fact that foreign fishermen can’t even hold their basic rights angers me, why is it the fact that we treat foreigners with “white skin” with respect like they are some sort of monarch, whereas we treated the darker skinned foreigners like they are far inferior to us. It is vital that we understand that no culture is superior to all others, and no culture is truly inferior to the rest. Every culture has the possibility of contributing positively to the human civilization, thus, it is important for us to respect every culture and live in harmony with people from different backgrounds.

更新日期:2018/1/11 上午 03:18:27